Saturday, August 18, 2018

As I was reading my few post from few years ago I ask myself what have changed in the world? and the answer was of course noting, it just keep turning as it always does.

The media spread lies about different topics while ignoring other important issues, and again the media keep turning as it always did.

No one is allowed his/her opinion anymore and if someone does not agree with you the unfriend you on social media, what have become of us? what will become of the next generation? 

Although this is a lot of negative writing I am an optimistic person and I know that all that is happening is for the better later, so keep up the spirit, be yourself, and believe that we all get our senses.

As they say at the Handmaid Tale: Blessed Day to you all 😉

Friday, August 15, 2014

As the weekend approaches and we are just going to relax and enjoy life at the movies, restaurants, bars or just chilling' with our kids and family, I ask you to think about the new generation and how we can teach them to make this world a better and safer place for their kids.  Get them involved in school and the community  help others, be kind to another and respectful.

Here is a way we can help the future kids to succeed.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

As the world go about it's way thousands of people are being murdered for their religion beliefs.

What good is a religion if we can kill on it's behalf?

History repeat itself, what did we learn from the Holocaust? NOTING

Monday, August 11, 2014

When one country attacked by the UN constantly you know something is not right.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

As the world is getting angrier by the day little wars everywhere, it seems that the only place and war you can here about is between Israel and the Hamas. 

While the media is busy criticizing Israel in Syria the dead toll is rising every day it is not mentioned, WHY? 

While the media is busy criticizing Israel in Iraq the ISIS are executing the Christians but it is not mentioned, WHY? 

The Kurdish are massacred, where is the media? 

Women are being raped everyday, where is the media? 

Lebanon Syria and Iraq are being control by evil terror groups but all the media is being reporting is about Israel killing "innocent Palestinians". It is about time that the journalist will go back to their roots and will report truthfully.